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贝多芬所有的晚期作品——不同于他中早年的战斗或者期待光明的直观感觉——几乎是无奈与痛苦到近乎自虐。席夫对op110的评价是“like a phoenix emerging from the ashes”,但并非以光明的方式:贝多芬将最美的赋格主题深藏于乐曲中的每个角落,直到它在末乐章中终于第一次以完整的独立的形式出现,而从这一刻开始,力量开始汇集,音乐也不可避免地走向崩塌。我猜测这正是他想传达的某种东西:自我毁灭

Johannes boosted

“ 人不是为了某种主义活着的,也不是为了某种理论活着,我们之所以需要这些,是因为只有它可以解释我们的生活,把我们从混沌的表象和无聊的日常中解救出来。现在我明白了,这些主义,这些理论,不是为了别人,而是为了拯救我们自己……只有深度的经验和知识才是我们的救赎,在乱世之中,我们纯真的救赎。”


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这学期上了一门随机过程,教这课的教授上学期也教实分析。这教授感觉在整个系里无人不知,课程和作业难度高到逆天,上个学期的实分析是数学专业的必修,于是他成功折磨了三十个人;这学期的随机过程是选修课,结果一共就只有五个人上这课(一开始七个人,后来两个老哥光速跑路了)。不管是期中考试还是期末考试,他永远要在开头写一句“it’s not necessary to get a near-perfect score to do well; just do as much as you can.”这意思好像就是“我知道我出的卷子你们肯定不会做,但我就是要这么出”。


Johannes boosted




这题折磨了我几个小时,一开始看到积分收敛就不由自主地往法图引理(Fatou‘s Lemma)上靠,但很快就发现走不下去了。如果你观察集合B的设立,应该能发现我想用法图引理(在B上gn属于L+,所以可以积分换序)

不过我很快就发现了更好的东西。实际上,B和B补就是关于测度νn-ν的一个若尔当分解(Jordan Decomposition),使得它的positive variation和negative variation互为奇异(mutually singular)。更进一步,根据若尔当分解定理,这个分解方式应该是唯一的。依据此性质,结论应该是易证的。



想在象上发点我觉得好的数学题,不知道会不会有人看 :0010:



In our world, where there are more and more faces, more and more alike, it is difficult for an individual to reinforce the originality of the self and to become convinced of its inimitable uniqueness. There are two methods for cultivating the uniqueness of the self: the method of addition and the method of subtraction. Agnes subtracts from her self everything that is exterior and borrowed, in order to come closer to her sheer essence (even with the risk that zero lurks at the bottom of the subtraction). Laura’s method is precisely the opposite: in order to make her self ever more visible, perceivable, seizable, sizeable, she keeps adding to it more and more attributes and she attempts to identify herself with them (with the risk that the essence of the self may be buried by the additional attributes).

How to live in a world with which you disagree? How to live with people, when you share neither their suffering nor their joys? When you know that you don’t belong among them? Agnes is driving down a quiet road in her car and she answers herself: love or the cloister. Love or the cloister: two ways you can reject the Creator’s computer, and escape it
What is unbearable in life is not being but being one’s self. The Creator, with his computer, released into the world billions of selves as well as their lives. But apart from this quantity of lives it is possible to imagine some primordial being that was present even before the Creator began to create, a being which was — and still is — beyond his influence. When she lay on the ground that day and the monotonous song of the stream flowed into her, cleansing her of the self, the dirt of the self, she participated in that primordial being which manifested itself in the voice of fleeting time and the blue of the sky; she now knows there is nothing more beautiful.
The route she drove on to from the highway was quiet, and distant stars, infinitely distant stars, shone over it. Agnes drove on and thought: Living, there is no happiness in that. Living: carrying one’s painful self through the world.
But being, being is happiness. Being: becoming a fountain, a fountain on which the universe falls like warm rain.
For the last time the basic pattern of her life was repeated: she was running and someone was chasing her. Paul was chasing her. And she had nothing in her hands; neither brush, nor comb, nor ribbon. She was disarmed. She was naked, dressed only in some sort of white hospital gown. She found herself on the last lap where nothing could help her any more, where she could only rely on the speed with which she ran. Who would be faster? Paul or she? Her dying or his arrival?
The fatigue grew deeper and she had the feeling that she was rapidly moving away, as if someone were pulling her bed backwards. She opened her eyes and saw the nurse in a white coat. What was her face like? She couldn’t make it out. And then the words came to her: ‘No, they don’t have faces there.’


Eternal trial
Hemingway, Judge
Kundera, Defendant

Hemingway. "You have been making us say nonsense. Now it's someone else's turn to make you do so. Because of your novels and exile, I judge you to have immortality. Does the defendant have anything to say?"

Kundera looks around. "No, I forsaw this scenario the moment I started writing."

Hemingway. "You seem very accepting of your end."

"Because I don't see Goethe here. I'm sure now that he's enjoyed the pleasure of nonexistence. Good luck to you, Ernest. Good luck to us. And good luck to both us to go to have a bluish sleep some day."

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