

Six Years of Silence: A Call for Answers in the Case of Yue Xin
To Whom It May Concern,

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the silencing of Yue Xin, a brave activist who dared to challenge a culture of impunity at Peking University. Yue Xin's story is one of courage, resilience, and a chilling reminder of the lengths to which powerful institutions can go to suppress dissent.

In 2018, Yue Xin emerged as a powerful voice in the #MeToo movement in China. She led protests against Peking University's attempts to cover up sexual assault allegations against a staff member. This act of defiance resonated deeply, particularly in the wake of the tragic suicide of Gao Yan, a student allegedly raped by the same perpetrator two decades prior. Yue Xin's activism exposed the university's failure to protect its students and its willingness to prioritize reputation over justice.

However, Yue Xin's bravery did not go unpunished. Shortly after the protests, she vanished from public view. There have been reports of her detention and suppression by Chinese authorities. Additionally, concerns have been raised regarding her involvement in the Christie's auction house labor movement, further suggesting her activism may have extended beyond the university scandal.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Chinese government to:

Disclose Yue Xin's current whereabouts and well-being.
Provide transparency regarding the reasons for her detention and any charges against her.
We urge the international community to:

Shine a light on Yue Xin's case and demand answers from the Chinese government.
Utilize diplomatic channels to pressure China to uphold its obligations regarding freedom of expression and due process.
Yue Xin's story is not just about her. It represents the countless individuals in China who dare to speak truth to power. Their voices deserve to be heard. We cannot allow them to be silenced.

Together, we can demand justice for Yue Xin and ensure that her courage inspires others to fight for a more just and equitable society.


[Concerned Individuals/Organizations]

@xunhuan2046 :0560: 我觉得《钢之炼金术师》也没有厌女情节来着,因为作者是女的

@xunhuan2046 :0560: 我觉得《钢之炼金术师》也没有厌女情节来着,因为作者是女的


其实我小时候就爱跟朋友畅想 以后一起找个大别墅 游戏室图书室等等房间怎么安排 大人听了直乐 近年“多元家庭”概念才慢慢被提得多了起来 仿佛是什么groundbreaking.gif的全新概念 然而事实上琢磨出这种东西只需一个没被荼毒过的八岁脑子

@board zlib站方还没回邮件,不过基本可以确定这是zlib中文社区的运营者(特指墙内的中文社区,即微信b站知乎,下同)冒用zlib官方账号的个人行为,与zlib站方无关,此前的推测也基本能被证实了。


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