2022-08-02 weibo.com/7763861120/LF6slEAfu



2022-09-02 weibo.com/2679072993/M3Q2Px7LA

Bald and Bankrupt大叔又回了俄罗斯,从布市到犹太自治州比罗比詹寻找犹太人踪迹,然后再回到车站继续下一段旅行时被抓住,之后上法庭获悉自己被驱逐出境几年不能回俄罗斯,所以这个视频是他最后一个关于俄罗斯的视频了。



其实这个跟我感觉一模一样。我19年有个同事是英国人也是球迷,我那时跟他说2020年世界杯圣彼得堡有赛区你也可以去看。他当时特别认真地说可我去了人身安全没有保证。我??? 当时觉得你明明有文化但怎么说出来的话跟傻子一样。但一想如果主媒成天就是这么描绘渲染的,又有多少普通人能对一个自己不了解又无关的地方寻求真相呢。



2022-09-12 weibo.com/2679072993/M5rh2gQh7




Mr Bald(@realbaldandbankrupt)
2022-09-08 instagram.com/p/CiNxm5PsoZl/

I’ve been in bed convalescing for ten days so not been able to discuss what happened in Russia. I will discuss it in future because it is a belter of a story but I was accused of criticising Vladimir Putin. After a few days in the cells I was taken to an office of an MVD officer ( ministry of internal affairs ) who said ‘whether you get just a fine or a long prison stretch depends on how sorry you are for what you said and your justification for saying it.’ In that moment you have a decision to make: either be a hero and get five years in a concrete cell or say ‘Glory to Putin!’ and go home to enjoy your life with your family and friends again. I took the second option without hesitation which is why I’m writing this from my comfy bed and not from a concrete cell in Birobidzhan. I’m not Russian or Ukrainian and won’t be martyring myself for any of their causes. The only shield I’ll ever fall on will be covered in the Union flag 🇬🇧

Anyway before I’m feeling better and speak again I will say that I wasn’t treated badly. In fact the director of the prison ‘Tarass’ was a bloody good bloke who brought me extra noodles to eat ( bloody rolton though and not doshirak 🤨 ). My only regret is I wasn’t there long enough to get a badass Russian prison tattoo. Everything else was cool. Scary as fuck, but cool at the same time to get the ultimate Soviet experience.

Right now my friend @lanasator is languishing in an Albanian prison on trumped up spying charges. I’m working with others to get her decent legal representation and get her home. It’s a dangerous job at times.

I still don’t use Instagram so will delete this post tomorrow but I know people have been intrigued so wanted to comment. Adios amigos.

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