Father Time

十水 boosted



十水 boosted

Disquieting #OpenScience thought:

Accelerating scientific development depends on substantially slowing the rate of research paper publication.

Andy Weir: I think the void has already been filled with other things. Notably environmentalism. I think a desire to believe in something greater than ourselves is inherent in human psychology, and we’re not really capable of going for long without something to look up to. And so we are returning to the place all religions begin: nature worship. That’s not to denigrate environmentalism at all, nor am I saying we should ignore the environmental issues we have caused with emissions. I’m just saying that the psychology at play is very similar to religion, and I think it’s scratching that itch that people have to be virtuous. It’s not so bad for people to feel a moral desire to cut emissions. Just like it wasn’t that bad for people to have a religious aversion to murder.




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