mind captured the feeling
cloud captured the wind

I think the most fundamental thing to realize that a person is a human being is to admit humans can be worse and that we are not building our goodness but moving away from evil.
(this is a fact; we like to ignore the fact most of the time.)


相比起兩個人綁定的故事,我更喜歡寫一個人探索世界的狀態。這個人不要為別人留下,這個人留給了ta自己。乍一看可能會覺得這是一種自私,其實和自私相反,自私的出發點是沒有,而如果一個人把自己留下了,這是最實際的基底了,就這樣的意義上算是越過了自私,所以如果存在一種什麼為他的要求,一定是出自這個已經潤澤的福音裡。in short, we started a relationship from itself but for the meaning of the relationship is no more than beyond the itself for which outpouring of the gospel

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