
”We don't care for people because we love them. We love people because we care for them. And her point is that love is really built out of the performance of acts of care.“


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我最喜欢的播客“Constellation Prize”最近出了第二季,推荐给大家。(我特别喜欢里面小号的配乐)thebeliever.net/constellation-

播客节目Serial第一季中的Adnan Syed最近因为新的证据而被撤销了罪行,在被监禁23年后终于获得了自由。



Equal Partners摘抄 

Equal Partners: Improving Gender Equality at Home, Kate Mangino

Yes, caregiving can be exhausting, painful, and tedious. But caregiving can also be one of life's most beautiful and rewarding experiences. Caregiving for various people in my life has taught me patience, love, appreciation for a range of gifts and abilities, and the understanding that finances are not the only indicator of success. Caregiving triggers a sense of selflessness and humility that, I believe, make us better people. I would not be the person I am today had I not been a caregiver in my life, and I am sad that our culture discourages men from having these experiences.

对Lousia Lim新书"Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong"感兴趣的可以听一下她的同主题新播客“The King Of Kowloon”。这一播客系列总共六集,现在刚出了第一集。听了一点,可以说是制作非常精良的一档的播客。



Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. — Ralph Ellison

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