KnowYourself 这个公众号是营销号吧?它这个文章是不是都是瞎写的?某个群里有个人分享了一篇#^用dating app找对象,如何避开风险成功上岸?的文章,我点进去读了读。


我们也倾向于认为,两个人的共同点越多,在一起的可能就越大……但其实,事实可能并不完全是这样。心理学家 Finkel (2017)通过实验发现,相似性对两个人相处是否合适并没有显著影响。这种对「相似性」的过度痴迷可能会阻碍我们找到「真爱」。

我非常好奇这里面“合适”的含义是怎么定义的,便拉到最后找到了这篇文献:Joel, S., Eastwick, P. W., & Finkel, E. J. (2017). Is romantic desire predictable? Machine learning applied to initial romantic attraction. Psychological science, 28(10), 1478-1489.


Matchmaking companies and theoretical perspectives on close relationships suggest that initial attraction is, to some extent, a product of two people's self-reported traits and preferences. We used machine learning to test how well such measures predict people's overall tendencies to romantically desire other people (actor variance) and to be desired by other people (partner variance), as well as people's desire for specific partners above and beyond actor and partner variance (relationship variance). In two speed-dating studies, romantically unattached individuals completed more than 100 self-report measures about traits and preferences that past researchers have identified as being relevant to mate selection. Each participant met each opposite-sex participant attending a speed-dating event for a 4-min speed date. Random forests models predicted 4% to 18% of actor variance and 7% to 27% of partner variance; crucially, however, they were unable to predict relationship variance using any combination of traits and preferences reported before the dates. These results suggest that compatibility elements of human mating are challenging to predict before two people meet.

人家摘要说得挺清楚的,每个人都会对自己的特征是什么样的以及自己喜欢什么样的人有个想法,有理论认为这两点结合起来,就可以决定两个人在最一开始能不能互相吸引。这篇文章就找来一堆人,做了一大堆题目(回答自己的特征和偏好),这些题目在过去被认为和伴侣选择是有关的,然后用机器学习预测每个人会被谁吸引、对谁有吸引力。然后这些人真的开始进行快速约会,检验一下机器学习是不是预测对了。最后的结论是:在真正见面之前,是很难预测俩人是不是合适的。这里面 compatibility elements of human mating 的含义应该是指 actor variance(渴望另一个人,被别人吸引)和 partner variance(被另一个人渴望,吸引别人)。


所以这是什么辣鸡营销号,装模作样拼凑点文献就写一篇辣鸡推文,最后还附上参考文献……然后就 10+ 万的阅读量……Finkel 的文章能告诉我们的应该是:在社交软件上靠算法匹配认识的人不一定就一定能互相喜欢,以及你觉得你会看重的一些特征特点其实根本没那么重要!(

@zero 这个团体近年的内容越来越贴近精致时尚单品……所以我就不看了

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