
Reveal The Future of the Band


Dallon Weekes: none of what we do I hope is considered like a revivalist. I want it to be fresh sounds.
we're more trying to capture feelings of what it was like growing up and discovering things at that time. Because we didn't have the Internet back then so whenever you found some new band it was because you happen to see that on TV or you read an article. when you discover something that way and you put in footwork to find out about this thing, it means something more to you. So we were trying to recreate that for you...

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Dallon's three fav record (?)

Elvis Costello's This Year's Model
Weezer's Pinkerton
Starlight Mints' The Dream That Stuff Was Made Of

*what item do you wish would become popular again?
Dal: Good music.

也太敢说了我笑死 :ablobcathyper:

*what do you think of about the different flavors of Dr.Pepper?
Dal: *immediately* 所有的23种吗?
interviewer: 不不我只是想问樱桃味…

*Dallon Weekes in 2019: Musicians are the worst. Try to have as few of them around as possible.


idkhow @ RIOT FEST by AP
关于专辑里的新歌,Lights Go Down. 达伦说之前有很多行业里的人叫他们不要加萨克斯solo在歌里,但这么一来他们反而更想加了。

*Ryan can play bass and drums at the same time. 哇。。。他是手弹贝斯+脚踩底鼓吗


*a man with a watermelon head居然是这里的梗。按前几天的推特Q&A来看,2020年了,他还没有向人解释这个梗,可怜的粉丝都要疯了。

idkhow @ Riot Fest by 101WKQX 


Dal: 我有点害怕去看自己的reddit,那不会是一个大型fanfictions聚集地吧?


*What do you think of memes your fans made of you?
Dal: uh.. I like the good ones?




Who Can It Be Now? -Men At Work
Tips for Teens -Sparks
9-5 -Dolly Parton
The Tide's High -Blondie
Hungry Heart -Bruce Springsteen


一个我百思不得其解的事,为什么Awsten Knight和Dallon Weekes明明差了十余岁,而且musically完全不同,而且一个坚持一辈子不染头一个鲜少以正常发色见人(划掉),但(mood aspect)感觉完全是一个人。



这个采访,没啥好记的 (我本来也只喜欢记音乐相关的东西,,) 但他们两个好好看

我持续在这里进行复制粘贴操作。新采访 -Don't Bore US

* iDKHOW的灵感来源之一是70 80 年代电视选秀节目

As for the spark that ignited the backstory for iDKHOW, Weekes notes that it came from diving into a YouTube rabbit hole, watching public access television from the late ’70s and early ’80s, specifically taking inspiration from a “star search” program from the New York/New Jersey area called Stairway To Stardom.

“I just became fascinated with it. It was like this weird parade of people. People would go on this public access show, and display their talents: singing, dancing, and comedy. It was so bizarre. I just fell in love with it immediately, and I wanted to be on that show. So, that’s kind of where the idea of being from that time period got it’s genesis from.”

*“我从来不是emo scene的粉丝, P!ATD只是一份工作。”

“I was never really a fan of emo music or pop-punk stuff. I never listened to that stuff growing up. It was not something that I ever identified with. I don’t want to take away from anyone who likes that kind of music, because it’s just my own opinion. Everyone has their own things that they like, and that’s wonderful.

“But, when it came to the early ’00s music that was happening, I was listening to more of The Strokes and The Killers, and Louis XIV, and Ima Robot, and Franz Ferdinand, and stuff like that. Regardless of what you like, to be able to be employed as a musician in any capacity, it’s a really wonderful thing. I was always really grateful for it.”

Additionally, for the new album, Weekes has found inspiration in quite a few new artists, including New Zealand’s own Kane Strang, Whitmer Thomas, Wallows, and Fur.

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