@Tender1sthe9 我小时候的生活照都是用富士胶卷拍的……现在居然涨到这个德行了😓

@rhyme417 阴道窥器的历史绝对不止200年。考古学家在庞贝古城遗址里发现过类似器械,说明阴道窥器的历史可追溯至公元前。

@swy2020 @giggggle 话说是这样,但是英语国家的非母语者口音歧视确实存在,而且问题不小。例如印度口音就非常容易被当成诈骗犯。

@kokoro 发现网友这么多人小时候近视了都没被父母拉去第一时间配眼镜,这都是医疗育儿放弃了……我就没这样,也没见幼儿园小学同学这样过。难道是地域的问题?

@yuushasan @staysleepy @trustno1 欧洲我知道一点,因为坐过英国火车。英国火车现在票价贼贵,贵到坐Ryanair的飞机到西班牙去再飞回英国都比坐火车直达便宜。原因就是客运运力不足,铁路员工待遇差,时不时就罢工。所以才要修HS2,但是威斯敏斯特宫的效率太低了,加上线路周边一堆NIMBY之徒,工期无限延长,因为嫌经费暴涨连线路都被一砍再砍。本来HS2的目的之一就是加强英格兰西北部与伦敦的连通,改变“轨道交通全在伦敦”的局面,减少区域不平等,结果最后连曼彻斯特这站都被砍了,曼城气冒烟了……

@ferntrino 我还没有提到诸如家用车SUV化的问题在国产EV中更加严重,不仅“完美”继承了内燃机SUV对行人的安全性问题,也让人怀疑EV的环保性能。老实说,SUV化最早是美国车企为了规避小型车排放限制搞出来的,所以“责任不全在中方”,但为什么号称减排的EV还要搞这套?

@ferntrino 文章的作者是土生土长没有华人血统的美国人,他对于中国的认知显然不如真正在此生活的人。那些在华人眼里非常明显的问题,尤其是“软件”的问题,他很难察觉到。而且从他评测新车的角度来说(我只看了这个网站上的),他看车的角度也只注重一方面。比如他写极越01的文章,只写了L2级自动驾驶一点,而对于其他设计一点也没提。从图来看,这车已经踩了两个工业设计雷区了:用一张屏幕代替所有面板按键,甚至连乘客的娱乐系统都在上面(容易使驾驶者分神);方形方向盘(这是赛车的设计,绝大多数民用车不需要。方向盘几乎都是圆形是有原因的。这车的硬件配置到底有没有必要搞方形方向盘?)。

@notjustbikes I wonder if the US's reliance on cars is related to the country's negative view on taxation and social welfare.

When I discussed worrying trends in the EV market with another user on Mastodon, they (gender unknown) said public transport is funded by tax and maintaining it requires high tax and can increase the national debt. They argue that intercity railways and mass transit are partially responsible for Japan's national debt crisis since the government needs to inject money to keep them running well. Although railway companies like JR went private a long time ago, they still receive significant governmental subsidies. They also said the Netherlands has the same problem, which is why tax is high there.

I resisted my urge to argue with them because I had other things to do that day. But such views explain why some political views seem to have links to "carbrains". A favour towards less governmental regulation on the economy and less welfare for all is linked to car dependency.

I don't like that person's idea. You may feel a high "tax burden" is not favourable, but you can't always have a carefree life. If more welfare is needed to keep humans and everybody else sharing this planet healthy and happy, it is necessary.


"When Driving is Not an Option with Anna Zivarts."

One-third of people in the US can’t drive. Those tens of millions of people are often invisible to planners and elected officials, and that’s why Anna Letitia Zivarts, a low-vision nondriver and activist has written a new book, "When Driving Is Not an Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency." We talked with Anna about building a system that works for everyone.


#thewaroncars #podcast #transportation

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