TTC workers and LCBO workers are gearing up to lead the fight for public services and good jobs in our communities. @toronto

Successive governments have intentionally underfunded our public services. But it does not have to be this way. That’s why we are turning this Tuesday’s Justice for Workers Toronto meeting into a Special Assembly to organize with TTC and LCBO workers to fight back against cuts to our public services.

Why are TTC workers going on strike?

The TTC is the least publicly subsidized transit system in all of North America. And in the absence of federal, provincial and municipal funding, riders are left to shoulder the burden of funding the TTC through fare increases. This unstable funding model is overly dependent on ridership and has resulted in TTC workers scrambling to do more with less in order to keep the TTC functioning safely and reliably.

Enough is enough. TTC workers, members of ATU Local 113, are sounding the alarm: we must improve staffing, guarantee services levels, and reinvest in maintenance and safety. Please send an email to TTC chair Rick Leary and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow to show your support for TTC workers and to keep the TTC public:

What’s at stake with the privatization of the LCBO?

The LCBO generated $2.5 billion in government revenue for Ontario in 2023. Yet Premier Doug Ford is fast-tracking the privatization of alcohol in order to transfer these billions from public revenue to corporate profits. (To put it into perspective, the 2024 TTC operating budget is just slightly more than $2.5 billion dollars).




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在xhs刷到原来多伦多也有纪念李文亮医生的长椅👀 @toronto

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