《身体从未忘记》,正文第一页,Soldier of Fortune雇佣兵翻译成“军事冒险者”。完全失去了对这本书中译本的信任...

Dutch East Indies荷属东印度翻译成“日治时期的东印度”...啊?

“One of the hardest things for traumatized people is to confront their shame about the way they behaved during a traumatic episode, whether it is objectively warranted (as in the commission of atrocities) or not (as in the case of a child who tries to placate her abuser).”

“Most of them suffer from agonizing shame about the actions they took to survive and maintain a connection with the person who abused them. This was particularly true if the abuser was someone close to the child, someone the child depended on, as is so often the case. The result can be confusion about whether one was a victim or a willing participant, which in turn leads to bewilderment about the difference between love and terror; pain and pleasure. ”



这个书...中文版的第一章居然删掉了最后两节....>< 台版是完整的。里面提到作者学习的时候教科书居然...为父亲性侵女儿背书:“此番亂倫活動降低當事人得精神病的風險,使之更能適應外在世界。” 美国精神医学这么癫的吗....



@fireskybighave 台版的错译多吗……

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