


- 今天必须发生的最重要的事是什么?
- 我的人生有我的每一天组成,我要利用现在的这一天做什么?
- 如果我不觉得累,我今天会做什么?
来自这个视频:alive.bar/@whysocute/112360833 摘抄自《改变你想法的101篇文章》

markets for makers又开始啦!不知道有没有uu会参加 我去捧场 :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Day 2 of my #DailyCreativity Challenge!

I’ve always been drawn to sketchbook art and pattern designs. I came across this inspiring piece (pinterest.com/pin/140806231993) that felt like a good start.
I used a Morandi blue marker to fill the space. I got a little impatient and the lines ended up rougher than intended, but honestly, I kind of love its raw, authentic charm. It felt like a little mindfulness exercise!
I think I will be doing more of these, a great way to start the day with creativity✨

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“ 女人们能复活,一些人在另一些人身上复活,妓女们在正经女人们身上复活,正经女人们在妓女们身上复活。”-《失明症漫记》

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