



@xingwu @merthur1551 谢谢,手机没这个软件,马上我上电脑看看

@xingwu @merthur1551 下载之后解压了是jason文件,用Excel打开显示json输入的结尾有多余的字符,有没有象友可以解答一下如何解决 :0b08:

@xingwu 笑死,真的是給境外勢力遞刀子。

@appleabear @xingwu 给境外势力做贡献了,也算简中唯一的努力吧

Leaked data containing personal data of 1 billion Chinese people led some people to the real birth rate in China.

This 1-billion-entry sample might have become an important sample in human history. Thanks to #CCP, the Chinese people have become live specimens.

This 1 billion entries was sold for $200k, which is a tiny amount for CIA; people are now analyzing the free sample; even the real sex ratio can be figured out.

(Translated and chart copied. Click to see original post in Chinese)

快速估算: 啫係中國嘅2014年出生率(數據最高點) 係:

A quick note (from myself): that means China's birth rate at 2014 (highest point of this sample) was :

1120 / 250000 * 1000 = 4.84@1000

Compared to Japan in the same year:


It is awfully low.

This number is probably available in other source. This is the first time I know about this though.

(btw English readers, if you don't know how to read the chart, I have transcribed it in the last post)

@xingwu 对比一下日本 日本25万人口的城市选定为德岛市(人口252093人) 2020出生数是1912人 不过出生率在全国排(144/815) 做个参考 不一定对

@xingwu 这个跟泄露出的数据有什么关系?那些只是身份证、电话号码之类的。

@xingwu @pengkof 我觉得这个统计未必靠谱,如果是(和上海有往来关系的人)的数据库的话,很可能要在某个年龄后,才渐渐更多出现在这个库里。

@xingwu 如果不算2021的数据,从2017-2020来看,其下降趋势和官方公布的人口出生数据是很接近的!(大概是官方放缓1/2的样子)所以我觉得说不定这个数据真的是真的呢.jpg

@xingwu 说明中国也就剩了10亿人 hhhh机密泄漏啊 蓝盾不灵了?还是有人故意这么干?10亿人的老化社会是没有前途了.撤离啦

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