carid boosted

Why does #Microsoft want to implement #Recall? It's not about *images*. It's about modelling what workers do on Windows, and then replacing them.

The most expensive part of a computer is the fallible feelings-filled unpredictable meat sack that operates it.

Google has YouTube, Google Photos, Maps, and a bucket load of search data, Google Analytics, advertising, as well as it's #GCP data (e.g. #STT transcriptions). And a bunch of data from Android services. From this data they can model speech, model videos and model advertising systems, and how humans respond to them.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Amazon has Prime data, and a bucket load of compute. But no operating system data. They can build models based around e-commerce and advertising systems.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Meta has *waves hands* enough analytics to model human behaviour in the Metaverse.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Microsoft has GitHub.
Microsoft has LinkedIn.
Microsoft has SharePoint.
Microsoft has Teams.
Microsoft has Dynamics.
Microsoft has O365.
Microsoft has Windows telemetry data.

Microsoft can model what people do on (Windows) computers. Like fill out spreadsheets.Write emails. Synthesize web pages of research. Interact with colleagues on Teams. Create and edit documents.

Microsoft wants #MicrosoftRecall data so they can model what people *do* with operating systems.

Then replace them.

Imagine a CoPilot that doesn't just write buggy code. Imagine one that also does spreadsheets. That creates documents on SharePoint. That communicates with colleages on Teams. That has a customer pipeline on Dynamics.

That's what Recall is about - 360 degree surveillance of the worker, to model their functions, make them fungible, replicable - and replaceable.


为什么罗技的鼠标在 macOS 上就是没办法使用的比较舒服呢?一方面罗技自己的那个 Logi Option+ 软件实在是太糟糕了,写的肥大臃肿,运行在后台做着一些它不应该做的事情,比如最近我发现为什么我的家目录下面老是出现一个 ai_tmp 的文件夹,搜了一下才知道这是 Logi Option+ 似乎在测试的一个 AI 方面的功能,你一个鼠标你在我电脑上搞什么 AI?未免离谱到令人发指。我终于把它卸载掉,然后这回真不打算重新装回来了。幸运的是社区有别的替代方案叫作 Mac Mouse Fix,开源。都挺好,鼠标滚轮滚动的感觉也没啥问题,就是它在当我用滚轮做一些缩放的操作的时候,就歇菜了:它没法缩放的足够精细。比如在 Firefox 里,Ctrl+滚轮放大页面,滚一点点它就放大到要溢出屏幕。这时你吓得感觉往回滚一点,这回它又缩小到成蚂蚁。就它在缩放的操作上变得过于灵敏。转到 Linux 上,罗技 MX Master 3 没装任何软件,使用 KDE 原生的鼠标设置,我只需要把默认的值稍微调小一点之后,不管是滚轮滚动页面上下,还是 Ctrl+滚轮在 Firefox 缩放都非常顺滑。但在 macOS 上就是各种问题,这是为什么呢。

Fedora 40 将在 4 月底发布,which means marcan 将会及时把它 integrate 进 Asahi Fedora Remix,which means 我就可以用上 KDE 6,which means 我就可以用到最新的加载显示器 ICC profile 的功能,which means 我就可以在我的 KDE 上,和我这个低端显示器上看到正常的颜色了🥹想想真是令人期待呢。

读了伍尔夫的三本书:《一间只属于自己的房间、《达洛卫夫人》和《到灯塔去》。在准备读读李翊云的《我该走了吗》的时候,读到不到 20% 看不下去了。我觉得可能我不该在读她书之前听她那么多访谈(主要是小宇宙上的播客)。放弃了李翊云之后,迅速读完了加缪的《局外人》,现在准备试试安妮·埃尔诺。《一个男人的位置》、《一个女人的故事》等等。

关于 Apple Watch、Kindle 这类电子产品:在它们没出问题之前,它们都是非常不错的,好用的。这是我目前对于所有电子产品的总体态度:我对它们没有那么信任和喜欢了。

况且电子书目前还是处于那种有些人会说“电子书的好处在于免费”的情况。亚马逊退出中国之后,更没办法找到电子书的正版购买渠道。市场上有这样大的一个空缺:我想要电子书的便携,我也想要支持正版。但出版行业却苦于盗版的问题,似乎没有能力和动力去补上这个市场空缺。做电子书全被你们盗版个精光不剩,那我何必去做呢。那种你买了电子书我给你个文件你下载了看,而不是像微信读书的平台化、订阅制、“租看制”,确实难逃被盗版的命运。 但这个问题真的无解吗?

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我从自然、宇宙万物之粒子诞生,死后,也就重新归为自然宇宙万物之粒子而已。这个想法或许可以对抗一下死亡来带来的虚无的恐惧。因为死亡并不是走了,而是回去了。我活着只是一瞬,死亡才是永恒。 我活着是悬于空中,死后是尘埃落定,归于平静。

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你好,欢迎使用 社交媒体实例。 仅仅是一个服务器位于美国的网站,它使用了「长毛象(Mastodon)」服务。