这是让中共最恐惧的照片,没有之一。牠们最惧怕的不仅仅是六四, 更重要的是牠们惧怕团结,任何团结的力量,牠们都不择手段去分化,瓦解。牠们深知,看似再强大的独裁政权,在人民的怒吼声中都变得摇摇欲坠而终将坍塌。而六四仅仅是个开始。

@Gotham_Citizen Hello, which town do we see in this picture and when is it made? Thank you!


@ulfi This is filmed in June 4th 1989 in Beijing Tiananmen. It's just before the famous Tiananmen massacre where unarmed students who protested for freedom got crushed over by tanks or shot by soldiers. It's on Wikipedia, if you want to learn more you can see it on there.

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