
" Oracle God "(神谶) by the name I share with aphonic pantheon I curse in pray of the downtrodden lowly they shall suffer no torment nor scourge except what they implore me today 神盗名 慨叹应允 时当欺罔世人 

*God In Conversation

(Eternal winter heaven, a giant TV screen shows Rick and Morty)

God (busy watching TV): Actually, I don't know these pieces of shit. Why the fuck do they think they're going to heaven? My heaven is empty.

They share no similarity with the divine, lacking creative power, yet are covetous.

These monkeys sniff each other's asses to exchange information, a ritualized olfactory inspection that highlights their sociality based on impaired hierarchy and genetics.

Such beings, who think in terms of 'herds' and born from the mire, will return to the sludge.

my hands have always been clean; I never created them.

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