
幫朋友出票 我也再也不會像三年前一樣喜歡人了… 미안

如果說戀愛的經歷當作人生經歷 對方真的該好好謝謝我吧(疲倦)而我在獲得了某方面的音樂點播之後(沒有剩餘利用價值)就也會馬上一腳踢開的(?)而且大部分時候是我果斷啊⋯⋯

if everything works well next month I'll be in hospital and spend another month wondering and wandering then it will be abt August i guess sincerely I hope that go well for the rest of the year I mean probably at the very agony of the moment go to the seaside make another same old decision again

@uvllvu 說個離譜的 夢到我和彬彬吵架 吵好兇😅

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