
中微子是非常特殊的东西,它不仅能和纯原子交互,也能和暗物质、暗能量交互。实验将能证明:中微子是使得我们得以存在的力量(force)。原子带来了突变和转变,它们是热的(hot),而暗物质是冷的(cold)。That the vast majority of humanity as a metaphor is cold and lost, and there is this tiny minority that is hot and ready to mutate, to change. 作为隐喻,组成人类的绝大部分是冰冷和失落的,少数部分是热的,准备突变和改变的。

原子是创造性和突变性的,但是它们没有结构(structure),而暗物质不具有创造性。原子和暗物质不交互,而是中微子形成了两者间的连接,这个 bond 的形成带来了全部的假象(whole illusion)

It is through the neutrino that the atomics move through the Dark Matter. And here we are, us Dark Matter atomic juxtapositions, because this is what we are. 通过中微子,原子得以穿越暗物质,这就是「我们」,作为原子和暗物质的 juxtapositions. (并列、并置)

乘客意识(passenger consciousness)是一个人的「水晶的本质(设计水晶 / 阴 & 个性水晶 / 阳)」,以及感知不属于自己的世界的方式。你的「个性/心智」(Personality / Minds)给你一个扭曲的对自身意识的看法,它掩盖了生活背后的乘客、过滤机制,以及你真实本质的来源。乘客意识是你的本质,在你形成生命体之前,它就已经存在,在你死去后,它也依旧存活。It's not human.

而个性/心智是 human. 毕竟,this is where we live this movie. We live it out in the illusion of these forms. I am not this body. This is the ride; nothing more, nothing less. 我们以为头脑的想法是我们自己,但恰恰这使得我们在电影中、生活在这些形式的幻觉里。头脑一瞬间能有千百个念头,而那些却都是心中生起的幻相。

The Magnetic Monopole(磁单极) can hold everything together. 磁单极关联并主导着设计水晶和个性水晶。 It holds together these elements through what's known as an attraction frequency(吸引频率). It holds these elements together and it creates this illusion that is us and it moves us along in our line of geometry. It's the Monopole that structures existence. It structures existence. 磁单极是「结构」,它引领我们在各自人生的几何线上移动。

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