
⬇️ 类似Marie Colvin也是窝小心中最佳内衣代言者(虽然瘟疫大流行后只在锻炼时穿sports bra叻!)她佬讲就要穿la perla lingerie, 这样被挖尸体的时候还能让路人惊艳一下 :kusa:

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two paragraphs of "Marie Colvin's Private War" by Marie Brenner, Aug 2012 

"Though her dispatches brought her numerous awards and fame in England and in every major conflict zone in the world, she was less known in her own country. Unlike Gellhorn, she did not leave a literary legacy; her genius was for low-to-the-ground newspaper reporting. Her writing had a strong moral undertow. She functioned best when she was on the scene. In spite of the massive changes of the last 25 years brought on by the high-tech presence of Twitter and YouTube, Colvin continued to believe that war reporting remained the same: you had to be there. "How do I keep my craft alive in a world that doesn't value it? I feel like I am the last reporter in the YouTube world," she told her close friend Katrina Heron. "I am inept with technology." Heron, the former editor of Wired, sent her frequent tech advice.

She pushed into combat zones that made her drivers sometimes vomit from fear. Yet she dreaded becoming "this smelly, exhausted pseudo-man," as she wrote in British Vogue in 2004 when explaining her "defiant preference" for satin and lace underwear in the trenches. In the hospital recovering from shrapnel wounds in the head and chest in Sri Lanka, she received a missive from her editor, who had seen pictures of her wounded and semi-naked in the field. He asked her to "tell us about your lucky red bra." He did not realize that the bra was "cream (lace cups, double satin straps) but had turned red because it was drenched in my blood," Colvin wrote. She added that militia had broken into her hotel room in East Timor and that "all my La Perla knickers and bras had been stolen. How weird is that?" They had "left behind a radio, tape recorder... even a flak jacket." Not long before she left for Homs, she told Heron, "I would like to have a saner life. I just don't know how."

⬇️ 我们女的就是这样的 读报了解到验尸志愿者testimonies on记忆犹新光点闪闪指甲油 翻找历史记录几周前录播press conf也有提及。不需要宏大叙事 也别搞什么时装规训 girls just wanna have fun, 点样扮靓就怎么美 一辈子美到死 and life goes on :blobcatflower: (无人知晓遇害者撞见those eliminated sexual violence perpetrators & terrorists会不会竖中指展示新做的指甲 死人只有缅怀的份 宜家ensuring爱戴不戴hijab自由更紧要叻

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