可不可以帮我在朋友圈扩散一下乌鲁木齐的现状[流泪][流泪][流泪]乌鲁木齐今天火灾死了很多人 政府还在瞒着大家瞒着所有人 骗媒体 推卸责任 现在很多地方都在起义游行

@thepool if this is really Urumpi, China i'm surprised it made it out.


Urumqi was the longest blocked area, also has political oppression against minorities. I remembered it isn't their first time,earlier this month they protested because the death of a Uyghur child who was not rescued in time dead, also large scaleand,but was suppressed by the police. really hope this time it will work.

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@thepool I hope the Chinese people will find the way to freedom.

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