1x06 the sound of her wings 

墨菲斯描述的症状我愿称之为post-quest existential crisis✌no worries bruh it happens to everybody
他好不高兴啊!永远炸毛永远气鼓鼓永远sulkily brooding😤😤死神好宠他hhh
墨菲斯表面冷冷淡淡不爱搭理人但听着Death自言自语其实嘴角偷笑 :cat3: 可爱!闹别扭小孩

草!乔叟 ⌌[。。⌍]⌍ 是你啊
马洛和老莎 :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: :nobeko_kelian2: 真好😢老莎是尼尔盖曼的常驻客串!那么年轻有活力……

- Would you write great plays? Create new dreams to spur the minds of men? Is that your Will?
- It is.
😢crying cuz... this is. this... he has indeed😢he has written the plays of my dreams and his magic spurs me on, to this day, always...😢😢😢neil gaiman i'm crying my eyes out💔

墨菲斯说he版李尔王:that will not last. the great stories will always return to their original forms.
lol true :0080: and tragedies always hold out longer

罗伯特:i can't die, remember?
墨菲斯:aye, but you can be hurt or captured
🤡🚬hehe how true, keep that in mind will ya

People are almost always better than you think they are. 🥺

沧海桑田啊~change & inconsistency is what makes life & memory precious~刚想感叹这小地方过了几百年永远有个酒吧挺不容易果然就被拆了哈哈

以及每次都想说但每次都忘:片尾蛮精致的 :0080: 感觉每帧都能当屏保

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