

As it was, there had already been a stretch of Bilbo’s life in which Thorin had been his whole world. This was embarrassing, because Thorin had only deigned to speak to him politely about two months into the whole mess. Still, for a little more than half a year, Thorin had consumed him, and then for about four years after that, he had left Bilbo feeling spat-out, half-chewed and shivering.

Now, though, in Bilbo’s memory Thorin was not much more than a simile; he was only like the whole wide world. He was like the wild to be found outside the Shire in the same way love could feel like a quick, catching wind. Thorin had been immense and forbidding, unfathomable and dangerous – but beautiful, too, and intoxicating when you had a role to play in his goings-on, though just as likely to look down on you as naught but an insect, right when you had come to appreciate his grand destiny.

And then, just like the wide world, Thorin had been lost to Bilbo these last ten years.

—— A Long List of Happy Endings Ch2

这种把手伸到你的胸膛里把心脏拧一把的酸痛太迷人了 :blobcathearts:

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