Ernestlph boosted

有鑑於福島第一核電廠含氚處理水排入大海的所有前置檢查作業都已經在本週五(7/7)完成,只要日本政府一宣布即可正式排放含氚處理水(目前消息是日本政府內部考慮在 8 月下旬才開始排放,但準確日期要等官方正式宣佈),這段時間陸續收到一些提問,所以製作了:


要用以下 9 個問題,帶大家快速認識(幾乎是)所有關於福島第一核電廠「廢水」有關的事

⑴ 什麼是「ALPS處理水/含氚處理水」❓
⑵ 為什麼只有「氚」去不掉❓
⑶ 「ALPS處理水/含氚處理水」安全嗎❓
⑷ 福島第一核電廠為什麼會有這麼多廢水❓
⑸ 為什麼一定要把廢水排放到自然界中❓
⑹ 除了稀釋後排入大海之外,還有哪些方法❓
⑺ 實際上要怎麼將「ALPS處理水/含氚處理水」排入海洋❓
⑻ 將所有的「處理水」排到大海要多久❓
⑼ 「ALPS處理水/含氚處理水」排入海洋會對漁業有影響嗎❓




Was using ChatGPT to try and translate something into mandarin when after translating it said this.

Ernestlph boosted

@normanzxy 专权体制下的民意很难判断,但是从一些伊朗流出来的示威视频可以看出其实伊朗人民对美国的态度其实没那麽恶略

@firstadopter @[email protected]
personally I think its a time and place thing. Its the first RE game to ditch the fixed camera tank control scheme and probably influenced a whole host of behind the shoulder 3rd person action games that came after it.
Play it today tho and it probably doesn't hold up that well.

Ernestlph boosted

I'm posting this partially to acknowledge progress and to thank all who made it happen, but also to encourage those who get discouraged and think that one individual can't change anything big.
In 2018, I received my Census code in the mail. I'm totally blind and had difficulty performing OCR on the code, so I asked the Census Help Line if I could have the code texted to me. They first said that would be fine, but then said they couldn't do it for "security reasons" a standard phrase that is often used to fob people off.
After I issued a media release, being interviewed by several. media organisations and the Minister being asked to comment, a senior official from Statistics NZ actually came to our house on a Sunday afternoon to read me my code, which was absurd.
I started a Parliamentary petition. I appeared before a Select Committee. The Committee was sympathetic. I got a personal apology from the Minister sent to me as an inaccessible PDF image so they had to send it a second time. But in the end, I got a commitment that yes, blind people count and this debacle would never happen again.
Here we are in 2023 and its census time again. This year, I went to the fully accessible website, completed a fully accessible form to get my code texted to me, and have now completed the fully accessible form. I know this wouldn't have happened had I not taken a stand.
So when you think you can't change things for the better, please don't sell yourself short. Each of us have the ability, and I maintain we have the duty, to make good change in the world.
Thank you to all those involved in Government at all levels for getting it so right this time.

As a Malaysian these are the things that I knew about but didn't really know about.


As long as crypto doesn't totally die out they'll still hold on to their NFT dream

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