

今天在读梅洛庞蒂的时候,在“Time as subject and subject as time”这个小章节里找到这段话:We say that there is a time just as we say that there is a fountain: the water changes and the fountain remains, because the form is preserved; the form is preserved because each successive burst takes up the functions of the previous one. Each burst of water goes from being the thrusting one in relation to the one it pushes forward, and becomes in turn the one pushed in relation to another; and even this comes, in short, from the fact that from the source right through to the fountain’s jet the bursts of water are not isolated: there is one single thrust, and a single gap in the flow would suffice to break up the jet.(英文版 p.445, 翻译见图,于原书 p. 527)


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