
所以,我跟老外的解释是,法轮功是nonsense. It is cult. People who believes it are stupid. But people has the right to be stupid. Stupidity are not crime.what the government did is crime. 翻译过来就是“为你好”的政府,一定不会干什么好事儿。

Hi everyone, I am Steppenwolf. A queer person is not allowed to exist in the regime of China.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo said, ‘Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, and the mother of truth. Yet he passed away in prison in 2017, persecuted for his advocation for democracy and his empathy for student protestors mascaraed in Tiananmen Square in 1989. My parent’s generation was traumatized by the mascara. They learned to silence themselves, to conform, to obey.

Chinese is the most-spoken language. People living in mainland China spent three years learning the language. Ethnic minorities are forced to learn the language. But we spend the rest of our life to learn silence. Because of censorship, because of information control. Throughout 70 years, Simplified Chinese became such a corrupted language.

‘To speak up, you will get the consequence .’That’s the message we hear from CCP. Inspired by courageous people in Urumqi, we re-learn to speak up. Our voice finally broke through the Great Wall, attended by the world.

We stand together, nevertheless, with a blank sheet, we know what we are trying to say, and the government knows what we are trying to express. This fragile regime fears blank sheets, flowers, communal grief, and people’s voice. The state of China is afraid of connections between people.

Courageous young people were missing because of that. A lot of them are women, non-binary folks, and queer people. One of my friends, brutally beaten by police in Shanghai, Urumqi street, was detained and lost contact. Another friend in Hongkong arrested and threatened by police for advocating for human rights in Xinjiang, in Urumqi. We don’t have Freedom From Fear. Even in Toronto, China established secret police to oppress and persecute human rights advocators. My friend’s family in China was detained and threatened by the police because of their advocacy here.

Even on our campus, a place where students deserve to be safe and protected for their freedom of speech. I still remember the brave Tibetan student, Chemi Lhamo, who received tremendous harassment and bully by fellow international students from mainland China who defends the regime of China.

However, as a person who came from Han ethnic background, I acknowledge that my experience by no means can represent any ethnic minorities’ experience in China. If anything, I experienced the collective guilt and was driven

by the collective responsibility to vocalize what I bore witness. Tremendous evidence showed that China’s government is coercively sending ethnical minorities, especially Uyghur people, to so-called ‘re-education’ camps. Let’s call it by its name, the concentration camp. The authority is conducting policies to genocide ethnical minorities in China, creating systematic discrimination, dehumanization, and abuse. Uyghur people cease to exist as distinct legal, social, cultural, religious, and racial entities in China. They are restricted in Xinjiang, and cannot find a household or work in other provinces; the government sends out spies to live in the same household with them; they are banned from using their own language in school; the spiritual and religious practices are banned. Uyghur people experienced physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, religious abuse, identity abuse etc.

We are united together because we care about human rights. We care about the victims and survivors of the Urumqi fire, the concentration camp, the zero covid policy, and Hong-kong’s movement. I wanted to say it is not only about people who have a connection with China. It is the collective responsibility of people living in the same world, especially when we have solid evidence that the contagious Tyranny is spreading its influence by conducting surveillance in democratic countries like Canada. If you are not personally affected, or you have a fear of speaking up, at least bear witness; at least not forget it.

As Milan Kundera said, “The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”

In the end, I want to share another quote from Liu Xiaobo. ‘I do my best to make every word from my pen a cry from the heart for the souls of the dead.’




(´Д` )还是希望大家都能好好的啊……


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