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@herrrath what has happened? 我的第一反应是女权群与哲学社😞

@OceanicEscapologist tbh just this statement in general applies to most, if not all, issues of public interest that are not completely censored within the gfw🙃 but yea this 哲学社 business totally counts

@OceanicEscapologist 其实说白了还是老生常谈:长久以来系统性的对个体的instrumentation铸就的自发的民间恶意可能比官方压制更胜一筹,同时民间恶意所暗示的「无爱的未来」的图景相比官方的步步紧逼更让人感觉前路无光

@herrrath ugh so true. I often feels unbreathable due to the fact that I simply cannot see how we can ever make up for the loss of empathy in general public.

@OceanicEscapologist 我的日常是刷墙内社群 until my impatience accretes to the point where I can't bear with what I see anymore 然后退出。次日告诫自己不能做echo chamber然后再打开墙内社群。上述过程infinite loop.

@herrrath 我在没有使用长毛象之前一直重复着 trying to see different points of view on certain topic or just bored → damn delete this app → smt else happened → downloading it again → loop. :blobcatnotlikethis:

@herrrath echo chamber确实是一个问题,but it is less important than my own mental health and well-being :blobcatgooglytrash:

@OceanicEscapologist mental health这么难搞的事情我就交给therapist小姐姐了😐

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