朋友们开了个新项目,叫「十分之一」,一个面向 10-15 岁少年的阅读和创作项目。目前的形式的是以每期几封长信的形式,和他们一起阅读、交流世界上正在发生的事情。


写完提刚后拖延了半个月,今天不得不动笔。提纲第一段过于言简意赅:「一个小故事开篇」。写完这个「小故事」的第一稿,1200 字。


在上一期杂志里,她们想和少年读者们聊聊「亲密关系」,拜托我帮忙给 Steve 提几个问题。他非常认真地问了 deadline,然后压线交了两页文档给我。


Q4. If your kids come to you for relationship advice, what would that be?

- Take your time! This is not a particularly romantic notion, but finding the right person is as much about it being the right time in your life as it is about the individual in question.

- Pay attention to how you feel about yourself when you’re around this person. The right person makes you feel confident, like the best version of yourself. It’s distressingly easy to be in a relationship that makes you feel not good about yourself. You need to have the courage to get out of those relationships.

- What does your relationship do to the rest of your social world? In our experience, successful / healthy relationships broaden your social world -- your friends become their friends, etc. In our opinion, one sign of a relationship that’s not going to last is when the person wants you too much for themselves, or feels threatened by your other close relationships.




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