every once in a while i think about all the cold-blooded bitches (who can be any gender) that i've encountered in my professional life - who have been cold to me and triggered my autistic burnout over the years of being seriously troubled by depression, anxiety, and complex PTSD - i have a sad realization that there's nothing i can do besides blocking them on linkedin for peace of mind.





真的做不了没有human factor、没有产品、而且需要对细节死抠的工作


It feels like I'm not allowing myself to connect with the part that can feel angry, "irrational", "out of control", and aggressive. This disconnect is accompanied by an extremely low expectation of people (or sometimes a lack of positive expectations) - a feeling that my request is always not going to be accommodated in America. I feel like my wings have been clipped permanently. I have a deep down fear that there will be more instances in life where I'm wronged for simply not being 100% familiar with the cultural playbook here; and when that happens, being angry and aggressive is not going to be a good look.


@elaine10 谢谢你啊,我跟你很像,没耐性,喜欢追求自己感兴趣的东西 ,从你的答案里看到了我比较担心的几个点,比如换赛道时从零开始的感觉,比如面试的时候会被质疑。希望你也能保持这种随时能够为自己做出选择的自由!很酷!

@board 想换工作。但是已经做过的工作很多都知道不想做,没做过的又不知道会不会喜欢。不知道怎么办。请各位赐教。

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