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FSTL1flox/+ mice were a generous gift given by


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C57BL/6 mice


After intubation, mice were mechanically ventilated to assess lung function. Using pressure–volume (PV) loops, lung function was measured including total lung capacity (TLC) and lung compliance (chord compliance, Cchord).





一、 Cre-Lox基本原理

Cre(Cre recombinase 重组酶):最初在P1噬菌体中被发现,特异性识别 loxP 位点,可以对两个 loxP 位点进行催化重组。

LoxP 位点:34个碱基对构成的回文序列,中间间隔的8个碱基对决定了 LoxP 位点的方向(如图1)。两个 LoxP 位点的位置和方向决定了 Cre 重组的方式,包括敲除、反转和易位。


携带 loxP 的小鼠被称为 Floxed 小鼠,当它与 Cre 小鼠交配后,Cre-Lox 系统开始工作,可以对两个 loxP 位点以内的基因进行重组,进而实现基因敲除、表达等目的。
1. 组织特异性敲除(conditional knockout, cKO)

当组织特异性 Cre 小鼠(具有组织靶向性的 Cre 小鼠品系很多)与 Floxed 小鼠配繁后,两个 loxP 位点位于同一条染色体上,且方向相同。Cre 重组酶可以介导特定组织中两个同向 loxP 位点发生同源重组。致使“Gene X”处序列被删除,如果该序列的删除使得该基因发生移码突变,则达到基因敲除的效果(如图2)。

2. 组织特异性过表达(conditional knockin, cKI)

Floxed 小鼠转入某个基因的编码序列,并在这段编码序列前面插入“LoxP-STOP-LoxP, LSL”元件。因此,该Floxed小鼠并不表达插入的基因;当存在Cre重组酶时,STOP元件被删除,插入基因才会表达。该体系可用于构建基因条件性敲入小鼠模型(如图3)。


可以分别用加、减号上标来表示 wildtype allele 与 mutant allele:

KO 纯合子 Gene-/-

KO 杂合子 Gene+/-

野生型对照 Gene+/+ 或 WT (wildtype)


Shh 基因 E177A 点突变杂合子:Shh E177A/+

如果 Shh 基因敲入报告基因或Cre重组酶基因,可以写成 Shh EGFP/+,或者也可以直接写成 Shh-EGFP、Shh-Cre。


Villin promoter 驱动 EGFP 报告基因的转基因小鼠就可以表示为 Vil-EGFP。

将 flox 作为上标表示,比如:

CKO 纯合子 Gene flox/flox 或 Gene f/f

CKO 杂合子 Gene flox/+ 或 Gene f/+

如果与广泛表达 Cre 或生殖系表达 Cre 工具鼠交配后获得了全身敲除的小鼠,那么可以按 KO 小鼠的规则来简写。

如果与组织特异性 Cre 小鼠交配,那么可以组合写成:Gene flox/flox;Cre。

如果文章中只用到一种组织特异性 Cre 工具鼠,也可以按 KO 的方式简写,即 Gene -/- 可以表示 flox 纯合子且 Cre 阳性小鼠。

如果有多种不同的 Cre,那么就需要分别表示了。

例如:Tlr5 flox 小鼠分别与小肠上皮细胞(IEC)特异性 Cre(Vil-Cre)、 DC 细胞特异性 Cre(CD11c-Cre)交配的子代中发生基因敲除的纯合子小鼠可以分别表示为 Tlr5 flox/flox;Vil-Cre 和 Tlr5 flox/flox;CD11c-Cre。如果觉得这样写太麻烦,也可以这样表示:Tlr5 ΔIEC 和 Tlr5 ΔDC。

KO 杂合子 Gene+/-
CKO 杂合子 Gene flox/+










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formalin-fixed paraffin embedded




FSTL1-knockdown improves neural oscillation via decreasing neuronal-inflammation regulating apoptosis in Aβ1–42 induced AD model mice

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To determine if a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) has cis-regulatory functions, several criteria are typically considered:

Proximity to Target Gene: The lncRNA should be located near the target gene on the same chromosome.
Expression Correlation: There should be a correlation between the expression of the lncRNA and the target gene.
Functional Evidence: Experimental evidence, such as loss-of-function or gain-of-function studies, should show that the lncRNA can regulate the target gene’s expression.
Physical Interaction: The lncRNA should physically interact with the target gene’s DNA or associated chromatin.
Conservation: The regulatory function of the lncRNA should be conserved across different species or cell types, if applicable.



Testing the proximity of a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) to its target gene involves several methods:

Genomic Location Analysis: By examining the genomic coordinates of lncRNAs and potential target genes, researchers can determine physical proximity within the genome.
Expression Studies: Correlating the expression levels of lncRNAs and nearby genes can suggest regulatory relationships, especially when changes in lncRNA expression affect the gene’s expression.
Chromatin Conformation Capture (3C): Techniques like 3C or Hi-C can be used to detect physical interactions between the lncRNA and the target gene’s DNA, indicating proximity within the three-dimensional structure of the genome.
Computational Prediction: Databases like LncRNA2Target provide information on experimentally validated lncRNA-target interactions, which can be used to predict potential cis-regulatory relationships.
Experimental Validation: Techniques such as RNA immunoprecipitation or RNA pull-down assays can confirm the physical interaction between the lncRNA and the target gene’s DNA or RNA1.
These methods collectively help in establishing the cis-regulatory role of lncRNAs by confirming their proximity to target genes.

ceRNA stands for competing endogenous RNA. In molecular biology, ceRNAs are transcripts that regulate other RNA molecules by competing for shared microRNAs (miRNAs). This interaction is part of a complex regulatory network where ceRNAs can influence the levels and activity of miRNAs, thereby affecting the expression of miRNA targets.

The ceRNA network includes various types of RNAs such as long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), pseudogenes, and circular RNAs (circRNAs), all of which can act as molecular sponges. They bind to miRNAs through miRNA response elements (MREs), reducing the miRNAs’ ability to target other RNAs. This mechanism is crucial for maintaining the balance of gene expression and has implications in various biological processes and diseases, including cancer



FSTL1 flox/+ 和 FSTL1 +/- 小鼠之间的区别在于它们的基因构成和由此产生的生理效应:

FSTL1 flox/+ 小鼠:这个称呼通常指的是小鼠中有一个FSTL1基因被loxP位点包围(flox),这允许在特定组织或特定时间通过Cre重组酶的结合来有条件地删除该基因。"+"表示存在一个正常的、非flox的FSTL1基因的等位基因。
FSTL1 +/- 小鼠:这些是杂合子小鼠,其中一个FSTL1基因被敲除(因此是"-“),另一个是正常的基因(因此是”+")。这些小鼠可以用来研究FSTL1基因表达减少的效果。

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相比之下,除非使用Cre重组酶特异性地删除flox的FSTL1基因,否则FSTL1 flox/+ 小鼠不会表现出这些效应。提到的研究没有直接提供未经Cre介导的重组的FSTL1 flox/+ 小鼠的信息,但暗示如果没有基因删除,它们不会表现出与FSTL1 +/- 小鼠相同的抵抗力1。

The flox and Cre systems are integral parts of genetic engineering, particularly in creating genetically modified organisms like mice for research purposes. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Flox: The term “flox” refers to a DNA sequence that has been flanked by loxP sites. These loxP sites are specific 34-base pair sequences that are recognized by the Cre recombinase enzyme1. When a gene is “floxed,” it means that it can be conditionally removed or altered by the action of Cre recombinase, which allows researchers to study the function of the gene in a controlled manner.
Cre: Cre is an enzyme called Cre recombinase that comes from bacteriophage P1. It recognizes loxP sites in the DNA and can cut and rejoin the DNA at these sites1. This allows for precise manipulation of the genome, such as the deletion, insertion, or inversion of DNA segments. The activity of Cre recombinase can be controlled so that it only acts in specific cell types or in response to certain stimuli, making it a powerful tool for studying gene function and creating models of human disease2.
The Cre-Lox system is widely used in neuroscience and other fields of biology to study complex systems and diseases. For example, it can be used to delete a gene in only certain types of neurons, which helps scientists understand the role of that gene in brain function1. It’s also used in creating models for diseases like cancer, where researchers can activate or deactivate cancer-related genes in specific tissues1.

This system provides a high level of control over gene expression and is invaluable for research that requires the study of gene function in living organisms. It’s one of the most precise tools available for genetic manipulation and has revolutionized the field of genetics.


1. 定义研究目标
- 探索 circ_0002111 在甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)进展中的调控机制

2. 提出假设
- circ_0002111 在 PTC 中上调并影响细胞增殖、迁移和糖酵解

3. 设计实验
a. RT-qPCR 测量 circ_0002111 表达水平
b. MTT 实验检测细胞增殖
c. EdU 掺入实验检测 DNA 合成
d. 集落形成实验检测长期增殖
e. Transwell 实验检测细胞迁移
f. Seahorse 分析进行代谢剖析
g. 西方印迹法分析蛋白表达
h. 小鼠体内移植瘤实验检测体内肿瘤形成能力
i. RNA 拉下实验确定 circ_0002111 的相互作用
j. 双荧光素酶报告基因表达调控实验

4. 进行实验
- 执行上述实验并记录观察结果

5. 数据分析
- 与对照组比较结果,确定 circ_0002111 的效果

6. 得出结论
- 评估数据是否支持假设

7. 报告发现
- circ_0002111 通过海绵 miR-134-5p 和调节 FSTL1 促进 PTC 进展

Here’s a summary of the key experiments and their conclusions from the article:

Circ_0002111 Expression Analysis: The study found that circ_0002111 was significantly upregulated in PTC tissues and cells, suggesting its role in PTC progression1.
Functional Assays: Silencing circ_0002111 inhibited PTC cell proliferation, migration, and glycolytic metabolism, indicating its oncogenic function23.
In Vivo Tumorigenesis: Knockdown of circ_0002111 reduced tumor growth in a xenograft model, further confirming its role in promoting PTC4.
miR-134-5p Interaction: Circ_0002111 was shown to act as a sponge for miR-134-5p, affecting its expression and PTC cell behavior.
FSTL1 Regulation: The study demonstrated that miR-134-5p targets FSTL1, and circ_0002111 can regulate FSTL1 levels by sponging miR-134-5p.

反转录定量聚合酶链反应 (RT-qPCR)
通过SYBR™ Green Master Mix和TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix进行定量反应。
使用Seahorse XFe 96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer进行检测。

1. Define Research Objective
- Explore regulatory mechanism of circ_0002111 in PTC progression

2. Formulate Hypothesis
- circ_0002111 upregulates in PTC and affects cell proliferation, migration, and glycolysis

3. Design Experiments
a. RT-qPCR to measure circ_0002111 expression levels
b. MTT assay for cell proliferation
c. EdU incorporation assay for DNA synthesis
d. Colony formation assay for long-term proliferation
e. Transwell assay for cell migration
f. Seahorse analysis for metabolic profiling
g. Western blot for protein expression analysis
h. Xenograft tumor assay in mice for in vivo tumorigenicity
i. RNA pull-down to identify circ_0002111 interactions
j. Dual-luciferase reporter assay for gene expression regulation

4. Conduct Experiments
- Perform the above assays and record observations

5. Analyze Data
- Compare results with control groups to determine the effect of circ_0002111

6. Draw Conclusions
- Assess whether the data supports the hypothesis

7. Report Findings
- circ_0002111 promotes PTC progression by sponging miR-134-5p and regulating FSTL1

TPC1 and IHH4 are cell lines used in scientific research, particularly in the study of thyroid cancer.

TPC1 is a cell line that has the RET/PTC rearrangement, which is associated with papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). This genetic alteration is often studied because it can provide insights into the development and progression of PTC1.
IHH4 is another cell line that is mutated for BRAFV600E, also used in the context of PTC research. The BRAFV600E mutation is one of the most common mutations found in PTC and is a significant area of focus for understanding the disease and developing targeted therapies1.

The article details several experiments conducted to explore the role of circular RNA (circ_0002111) in the progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Here’s a detailed one-to-one list of the experiments and their demonstrations:

RT-qPCR: Used to detect the levels of circ_0002111, miR-134-5p, and FSTL1, demonstrating that circ_0002111 is upregulated in PTC samples and cells1.
Cell Proliferation Assays (MTT, EdU, Colony Formation): Showed that downregulation of circ_0002111 suppresses PTC cell proliferation.
Transwell Assay: Indicated that circ_0002111 knockdown reduces PTC cell migration ability2.
Glycolysis Analysis (ECAR, OCR, Glucose Consumption, Lactate Production): Demonstrated that circ_0002111 downregulation leads to decreased glycolytic metabolism in PTC cells.
Western Blot: Confirmed that silencing circ_0002111 reduces the levels of proteins associated with proliferation, migration, and glycolysis.
Xenograft Tumor Assay: Revealed that circ_0002111 promotes tumorigenesis in vivo34.
Dual-Luciferase Reporter and RNA Pull-Down Assays: Validated that circ_0002111 acts as a sponge for miR-134-5p and regulates FSTL1 expression.


The term “PCD5-ciR” refers to a fifth-generation circular RNA (circRNA) expression vector. It is designed with a specialized circRNA expression framework that includes carefully modified Alu elements, binding sites for RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) like QKI, and a newly designed circularization mediating sequence to ensure accurate and efficient circularization of the inserted circRNA. The expression framework has reserved EcoRI and BamHI restriction sites for direct enzyme digestion and insertion of the target circRNA fragment1.

This vector is used in molecular biology and genetic research to overexpress specific circRNAs, which are a novel class of RNA molecules formed by back-splicing of pre-mRNAs produced by host genes. CircRNAs have been increasingly associated with various biological processes, including tumorigenesis and progression2. In the context of cancer research, vectors like PCD5-ciR are valuable tools for studying the function and regulatory mechanisms of circRNAs

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